Digital and Data Journalism – Tools and skills required

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Digital journalism is a form of journalism that involves the use of digital technologies and platforms to create, produce, and distribute news and information to online audiences. It encompasses various forms of digital media, such as websites, blogs, social media, mobile apps, podcasts, and video, to report news and share information.

Digital journalism has transformed the way news is gathered, produced, and distributed. It allows journalists to reach a wider audience and to report news in real-time, as it happens. It also enables audiences to access news and information at any time and from anywhere in the world.

However, the rise of digital journalism has also brought new challenges, such as the need to verify information and sources in an environment where fake news and misinformation can spread quickly. Additionally, the financial sustainability of digital journalism remains a concern, as traditional revenue streams such as advertising have shifted to digital platforms, and new business models are still being developed.

How to Become a Digital Journalist

Becoming a digital journalist requires a unique set of skills that go beyond traditional journalism skills. Here are some of the essential skills that you need to become a digital journalist:

  1. Strong writing skills: Writing is still a crucial component of digital journalism, and digital journalists need to be able to write clear, concise, and compelling stories that engage online audiences.
  2. Multimedia skills: Digital journalists need to be able to work with different types of multimedia, such as photos, videos, audio, and interactive graphics, to create compelling stories that resonate with online audiences.
  3. Social media skills: Digital journalists need to be skilled at using social media platforms to find sources, share stories, and engage with online audiences.
  4. Data analysis and visualization skills: As digital journalism increasingly relies on data, digital journalists need to be skilled at analyzing data and presenting it in an accessible way.
  5. Basic coding and web development skills: While you don’t necessarily need to be an expert in coding, having some basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and other web development tools can be helpful in creating and publishing online content.
  6. Collaboration and teamwork skills: Digital journalism often involves working in teams, so it’s essential to be able to work collaboratively and communicate effectively with others.
  7. Adaptability and flexibility: Digital journalism is a constantly evolving field, so it’s important to be adaptable and open to learning new skills and technologies.

Overall, digital journalism requires a combination of traditional journalism skills and a willingness to learn new digital tools and technologies to stay relevant in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Tools Required To Become a Digital Jounalist

To become a digital journalist, you’ll need a range of tools to help you create, produce, and distribute news and information to online audiences. Here are some of the essential tools you’ll need:

  1. A computer: A computer is essential for writing and editing stories, as well as for working with multimedia and online publishing tools.
  2. Writing and editing software: A good writing and editing software can help you to produce and polish your stories. Popular software include Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Grammarly.
  3. Multimedia tools: You’ll need tools for creating and editing photos, videos, and audio. Examples of multimedia tools include Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Audacity.
  4. Content management system (CMS): A CMS is essential for publishing and managing your stories on a website. Popular CMS include WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.
  5. Social media tools: To promote your stories and engage with online audiences, you’ll need tools for managing and scheduling social media posts. Examples include Hootsuite, Buffer, and Sprout Social.
  6. Analytics tools: Analytics tools help you to track the performance of your stories and to understand your audience. Popular analytics tools include Google Analytics, Chartbeat, and
  7. Mobile devices: With more and more people consuming news on their mobile devices, it’s important to optimize your content for mobile. You’ll need a smartphone or tablet to test your stories on mobile devices.

Overall, the tools you need to become a digital journalist will depend on the type of stories you produce and the platforms you use. As digital journalism continues to evolve, new tools and technologies are constantly emerging, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the field.

Data Journalism Fundamentals

Data journalism is a form of journalism that uses data analysis and visualization techniques to uncover and report news stories. It involves collecting, cleaning, and analyzing large datasets to find trends, patterns, and insights that can inform and support news reporting.

Data journalism is becoming increasingly popular as more and more data is being generated and made available in digital formats. It is used to report on a wide range of topics, from politics and economics to social issues and sports.

Data journalism can take many forms, including interactive visualizations, maps, and charts, as well as data-driven stories that are supported by quantitative analysis. It can also involve the use of tools and techniques such as web scraping, statistical analysis, and machine learning to find and analyze data.

Data journalism is particularly useful for investigating complex issues and revealing hidden trends and patterns that may not be immediately visible through traditional reporting methods. However, it requires a combination of traditional journalism skills and technical skills in data analysis and visualization.

Overall, data journalism is an important tool for modern journalists who want to provide more in-depth and data-driven reporting to their audiences.

How to Become A Data Journalist

To become a data journalist, you’ll need a unique set of skills and qualifications, as well as access to certain tools and technologies. Here are some of the essential skills, qualifications, and tools required to become a data journalist:


  1. Data analysis: You’ll need strong analytical skills to be able to collect, clean, and analyze large datasets, and to identify patterns, trends, and insights.
  2. Statistical knowledge: You’ll need to have a good understanding of statistical methods and tools to be able to work with and interpret data.
  3. Programming skills: You’ll need to have programming skills to be able to work with data and build visualizations. Popular programming languages for data journalism include Python, R, and SQL.
  4. Research and reporting: You’ll need strong research and reporting skills to be able to find and verify data, as well as to write stories that are supported by data.
  5. Visual communication: You’ll need strong visual communication skills to be able to create compelling visualizations and data-driven stories that are easy to understand for your audience.


  1. A degree in journalism, data science, or a related field can be helpful in developing the necessary skills and knowledge required for data journalism.
  2. Practical experience: Practical experience through internships, freelance work, or personal projects can be very valuable in building your skills and developing your portfolio.


  1. Data visualization tools: There are a variety of data visualization tools available, such as Tableau, Datawrapper, and Flourish, that can help you create interactive and compelling visualizations.
  2. Data cleaning and analysis tools: Tools like OpenRefine and Excel can help you clean and analyze large datasets.
  3. Statistical analysis tools: Statistical analysis tools such as R or Python can help you run more complex statistical analyses on your data.
  4. Web scraping tools: Web scraping tools such as Beautiful Soup or Scrapy can help you collect data from websites and other online sources.

Overall, becoming a data journalist requires a unique combination of skills, qualifications, and tools. As data journalism continues to evolve, new tools and technologies are constantly emerging, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the field.

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