Develop a positive character, Identify your skills and strength, gather pieces of information about your ideas, make decisions, and make a plan to sell and market your ideas/talents to the world…………

After your formal education, you enter the most critical phase in your life, the second most valuable and practical education known as the apprenticeship, you must learn the lessons and follow the path established by the greatest masters. In the process, you will master the necessary skills, discipline your mind, and transform yourself into an independent thinker, Prepare yourself for the challenges on the way to self-mastery.

Life is short and your time for learning and creativity is limited, without any guidance, you may, you can waste valuable years and miss good opportunities trying to gain knowledge and practice from various sources. Instead, you must follow the example set by the masters throughout the ages and find the proper mentor that will direct you to your true path. Choose the mentor who fits your needs and connects to your life task. Once you have internalized their knowledge, you must move on and never remain in their shadow. Your goal is always to surpass your mentors in self-mastery and brilliance. 

Most people have great ideas and knowledge of many things, but monetizing those ideas is likely a difficult task for most people. following our mentorship program, you will learn how you generate multiple ideas, test them on google keywords then use social media platforms to monetize them. Marketing and sales are the most important skill required by every entrepreneur.

Skill mastery is a difficult and important task for every human living, one thing is to discover your inborn skills or potential and another thing is mastering them, the first step is to learn from your environment, for instance, if you found yourself working for a company and are surrounded with machines, and you desire to learn how to operate those machines, at this juncture all you need is to look for a catalog of those pieces of equipment, and study them, this just an example, learn and master skills within your organization. There are two types of skills you need to master. *Soft skills and *Technical /Professional skills. Public speaking is a soft skill and negotiation skill as a professional skills

In the world today, starting and growing a business requires huge capital, and most entrepreneurs, businessmen and women, and even SMEs are having difficulties raising capital. After reading this page you will not have issues again in starting a  business without money, this book will provide you with reasons why raising capital to start a business is not a problem, and will give you a step by step guidelines on starting a business from scratch with little or no money.

How best to start a blog from scratch using a free tool from google known as Blogger Blog. Step-by-step guidelines on how to start and monetize your blog post….

The goal of developing your brain and choosing your career part is to help you develop the skills you need to achieve your career objectives. This helps you learn how to identify and develop the resources you need to reach your goals, Teaches you how to find employment leads, educational and self-employment funding, and other community funding within your environment. Learn about yourself and how to develop your own skills, to develop yourself, you first believe in the evolution of the mind, the heart, and the soul of humanity, you must believe in personal improvement and growth. Make a list of skills you have and a list of skills you need for your chosen career, and make specific plans to develop the skills you need to achieve your career goals.  Finally, you have to realize that it requires deep thinking to be able to rise to the top, every great teacher directs you to yourself, stop listening to the surface level of knowledge you find on the internet, basic information is just common sense. Deep thinking->understanding->expertise to develop a nuanced detailed understanding of your chosen industry.

Innovation is the sensible implementation of thoughts that bring about the introduction of new goods or offerings or improvement in offering goods or services. I define innovation as “a brand new or changed entity figuring out or redistributing cost”. The procedure wherein a person or something grows or adjusts and becomes more advanced: Their success lies in combining an effective innovation procedure with a superior product concept. The development of the latest products, designs, or ideas:

Create reconnect files… The main purpose of this article is to help you understand what networking is and how to develop channels of networking. You will be begging to identify the resources already available to you and make a plan to begin contacting your network in other to find even more resources. Build a network that consists of the people you know who can either help you directly or lead you to someone else or more pieces of information. You already have the beginnings of a strong network, and it has the potential to become broader than you might think. Networking requires communicating and negotiating skills. Creating a network list is a very good step in establishing a network of people who can help you brand your business…

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